Jz nw saw bck Dear d older posts....
Suddenly refresh all those memories....
nO matter we are happy or unhappy in the past....
Tats all
sweet memories for us....
I feel so touching when saw bck tis post:Saturday, March 21, 2009
aQiu, my belOved, my bIbI, my girLFriend...
dear hope dear really can owez beside bibi, everytime, everyday and every year....FOREVER~
yday, dear actually noe bibi wan dear on phone wif bibi de...
bt dear scare dear family bla bla...dear say sorry here!!
however, bibi is important...dear will call bibi wat matter oso...
everytime v meet up,bibi oso hold dear hand tight tight...
dear pain wor...bt dear happy too...coz bibi dowan dear leave a...hehe*
pain oso nvm...
dun lao gai la...dear will sad de a..although bibi not reli lao gai...
bibi very happy when dear tam bibi...
bibi very happy when dear make bibi happy back...
bibi very happy c dear lao gai oso...haha*
u r onli the one...
can make dear feel blessedness...
can make dear feel happy everyday...
can make dear feel the love is exist...
can make dear feel the love is true...
can make dear feel the love is reli a love...thx bibi...muauckz^^
dun stress in study...dear noe bibi can do...
try ur best, bt not force to be best...
bibi everytime oso study...sure can de...dun stress..tats important...
dear happy wif bibi family too...
bibi family reli like to drink wine and alcohol oo...haha*
muz take care urself alone in hostel..in anywhere...
dear cant owez beside bibi...is a fact...
so, bibi muz take care urself too...k??
dear love you~
Posted by orAng3z 宗成****************************************************************
Dear,Bibi still rmb last time Jia le gt asked bibi wat are the "共同点" btw us...
Bt bibi cant answer him tat time....
Bibi felt soli & noe dear muz unhappy bout tat...
Jz nw bibi found the answer le...
The "共同点" btw us is...."When bibi wan say sumth... den dear said le;When dear wan say sumth... den bibi said le..."Our love heart is on ONE line**Last time we owez kidding wif the ''Bro & Sis"
Rite? hehe...
Bibi din forget our promises
Even until
Be the Origin of us**